My contributor copies of Sharp Notions arrived and it is a stunningly gorgeous book. It’s hefty and printed on full colour glossy stock.

My contributor copies of Sharp Notions arrived and it is a stunningly gorgeous book. It’s hefty and printed on full colour glossy stock.
My piece for vocal trio—tongues in 7—is being performed on Wednesday, May 12 at the Sounds New Festival by the wonderfully energetic and eclectic juice vocal ensemble.
A couple of weeks ago I received a package from Istanbul. It took me a minute to recall who might be sending me a package from such an exotic place and then I remembered the wonderfully intense Nick Hobbs from Pantheatre. The package contained a CD of photos from the two Pantheatre workshops I attended in 2006. Continue reading
So much for my plan of posting once a week! I’ve been keeping myself oddly busy with convalescence and cleaning up some admin work I need to get out of the way before I do some real work. Continue reading
Less than one week until we leave the UK! We’ve been packing up our place, selling off a bunch of stuff and having rather busy social lives in preparation to leave. Continue reading
I have finished my MA Project!!! splanchnologies went very well and I had an amazing team of people to help me with the work. Thank you thank you thank you to Verity, Olly, Tam, and especially Yula and Andy who performed in “tongues in 7.” Especially especially Andy who chauffeured me, gave great comments, and generally supported me through the whole thing. Continue reading
It has once again been a few months between updates. I’ve been very busy. Here’s a bit of a breakdown of what I’ve been up to: Continue reading
Say that 10 times fast! This is a surprising and timely trip for me. But I’ll start at the beginning …. Continue reading
… we are still alive! And we are becoming happier in our lives in the UK as we started moving into our new house today!! Continue reading
Hello everyone – sorry I’ve been so bad at updating my blog! School is keeping me extremely busy but its going very very well. Continue reading