It has once again been a few months between updates. I’ve been very busy. Here’s a bit of a breakdown of what I’ve been up to:
– I was at the Pantheatre Summer University at the Roy Hart Centre in Malérargues, France (near Nimes) for 2 weeks in early July. I was in Enrique Pardo’s “choreographic theatre” workshop. He is the same Roy Hart person I worked with in April in Wales. I find that Enrique’s work takes the Roy Hart Voice Work to a performative and devising stage as opposed to focussing on opening the voice/body. Of course, there is the element of voice and body integration, but movement through space is key to the work as well as the movement of the voice through the body. Enrique also works with text in a devising sense—he brings text into group improvisation and joins it with archetypal psychology (a la James Hillman) so that the text material begins to deepen its layers. In Wales I worked a short poem, “hotate/scallop” which was all about teeth, and in France I worked “she opened up splanchnic” which is about dissection and viscera in an intricate design as opposed to gory sense. Both texts are working their way into my MA show, splanchnologies (more on that below).
– My dissertation, The Liminal Phase in Total Theatre/Contemporary Music Theatre is DONE!!! I decided to do the 80-credit dissertation, which meant 18,000 words. If anyone wants to slog through the 50-odd pages of it, contact me and I’ll email you a pdf of it.
– My parents were visiting from the 10th to the 29th of August. Ed and Jarrod spent the first few days sightseeing with them in London while I stayed home and worked on my dissertation, then they all came back here and took Jarrod to see the local sights while I worked on my dissertation some more (with Ed’s very strict editing help). The day after I handed in my dissertation, we spent 3 days travelling around the south of England and visited Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Avebury and Bath. I’d love to visit Bath some more, so maybe we’ll do a day trip out there after my show. Stonehenge and Avebury were very cool, except both of them gave me a splitting headache that dissipated the further away we got from them. Ley lines and all that stuff I think. It was good to see them, despite all the craziness of MA deadlines while they were here.
– I am currently working on my MA project show, splanchnologies, all the info for which can be found on my newly updated site . We haven’t done the formatting or prettified it yet, but the necessary information is there! Because of the insanity of putting it together don’t expect me to update my blog again until it’s over!
Those of you wondering about our future plans …. so far we are planning on returning to Saskatoon in late October. We’ll be sorting through all our possessions that have been in storage and I’ll likely try to do splanchnologies at the women’s festival and also try to teach a few voice and yoga workshops as well. Saskatoon will be our base while we figure out the rest of our long-term plan.
I’ll do my best to keep everyone posted as time allows!