Visible Mending

Since taking up hand stitching again in 2016, I discovered I needed something simpler to work on in the evenings and on weekends than my very intricate embroidery pieces. I discovered Visible Mending through some embroiderers on Instagram and it’s become an excellent hobby.

The butt of a pair of black jeans with a Japanese wave pattern on them done in grey sashiko stitching.

I started with some simple sashiko mends on my son’s jeans which got more intricate the more I learned about sashiko techniques. Susan Briscoe’s excellent book—The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook—has been a great resource for this.

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‘sensorium’ selected for SK Arts’ permanent collection

I’m very honoured that SK Arts has selected my embroidery sensorium (2016)—part of my symptomatology series—for purchase for their permanent collection.

sensorium is a depiction of the hypersensitivity and hyperexcitation of my nervous system due to ME/CFS and took approximately 60 hours to stitch. My main sensory sensitivity is to sound and vibration—hyperacusis—which can absolutely overwhelm me depending on the volume and timbre of the sound. My entire nervous system becomes involved, and though this symptom has improved with a lot of desensitization work it still affects me daily.

In the centre of some bone white linen, there is a spine embroidered in a thick satin stitch. Emanating from the spine are thick burgundy lines in an undulant oval shape. This oval is bisected across the middle. In the top half, there is a section outlined in burgundy filled with coiling blue lines and a similar section in the bottom half. The rest of the undulant oval is filled with fine coiling burgundy lines. The spine is very straight, the rest of the embroidery is very coiled and busy.
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SciArt feature on Art the Science

I was recently interviewed by the Art the Science, a Canadian SciArt organization. I’ve focused on embroidery for the past few years, but have been doing science-based work for a long time. This interview gave me the opportunity to talk about how my practice has changed media while maintaining a science focus.

Recent Embroidery Portfolio and Interview

In August 2019 I had a couple articles about my embroidery work go up online.

First, The Cardiff Review published a portfolio of my anatomy embroideries with some of my writing about that body of work.

Second, Action for M.E. published a short interview about my symptomatology embroideries.

Both these online magazines are based in the UK and I’m very happy to see my work getting attention over there!