I’m still catching up with posting about all my activities, so here’s what I’ve been up to since January 2022. More interviews and some exciting forthcoming work.
In February, SkArts published a short piece about me and their purchase of sensorium for their permanent collection in 2021. I wrote about sensorium in detail here and you can read the SKArts interview on their website.
In spring, an interview about my work appeared in The Keppel Health Review. The interviewer, Po Ruby, did a really beautiful job of writing up our conversation. This is my favourite interview of the many that have been done about my embroidery work over the last few years. You can read the interview here.

In August I was finally able to move into my new studio space! Though we moved into our new place in October 2021, my husband saved the dusty studio renovation work for the summer when we could open the windows. He also needed to take a break from renovations to help care for me after my hysterectomy, and building this gorgeous wall of shelves took some time. I’m so pleased with the space and have been making good use of it since I was able to move in.
In late September, journalist Jason Osler did a short radio interview with me about brown noise and how I use it in my day to day. You can listen to the 4-minute piece starting at 1:01:50 on this show. The piece was syndicated nationally to various local CBC stations.
- I had some symptomatology embroideries chosen for the annual digital art show at The International Conference on Residency Education: The Body Electric. I was also interviewed as part of their retrospective in 2021 and will write a post about both things once this year’s show is up.

- In May—ME Awareness Month—I participated in #CreateME using a list of prompts by Chronic Market founder April Thompson. I ended up doing mini-essays on Instagram and Twitter for most of the prompts and plan to combine them into a longer piece for my blog.
- Earlier this year I was invited to submit to an anthology titled Sharp Notions: Essays on the Stitching Life edited by Marita Dachsel and Nancy Lee. I wrote about how my embroidery work combines symptomatology and SciArt and am very pleased with the piece. The anthology will be out on 2023 with Arsenal Pulp Press.
- In September I was approached by Stephanie Ko to take part in a pitch and accessibility project for Lucky Penny Opera. I wrote a pitch for a 10-minute opera based on their 2021 48-hour opera project and then had a conversation with them about what sort of accessibility needs someone like me would have for such a project. It was a lot of fun coming up with the bare bones of a short opera and composing some music for the first time in a long while. I’ll post about this once my pitch is up on their site.

Now that my studio is done, we’re more settled in our new place, and I’m crashing less often thanks to my hysterectomy, I hope to keep up better with my blog and other work. I’m planning to return to my secret project soon and have been working on a new symptomatology embroidery about my hepatobiliary system. I’m still pacing myself carefully because of ME/CFS, but work is getting done slowly and methodically.