I’m so excited to be taking part in Opera Mariposa’s 2023 Benefit + Awareness Month🦋 I’m joining them as a featured artist in their online art showcase, as well as having some of my artwork appearing in their charity prize draw!

This entire charity fundraiser runs May 1-June 1 at Benefit.OperaMariposa.com, and features music, videos, art, merchandise, nearly $5,000 in prizes and more! It’s all in support of the ME/FM Society of BC and the rising number of people impacted by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Long Covid. There are free and by-donation ways to take part—plus, donations will be TRIPLED up to $3,500, so your support has three times the impact! I hope you’ll check it out, and join me in support of the chronic illness community.
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