A couple of weeks ago I received a package from Istanbul. It took me a minute to recall who might be sending me a package from such an exotic place and then I remembered the wonderfully intense Nick Hobbs from Pantheatre. The package contained a CD of photos from the two Pantheatre workshops I attended in 2006. Continue reading
Her-icane GoDiva Reading at McNally Robinson
I’ll be reading at McNally Robinson Bookstore in Saskatoon on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 7pm in the Art Alcove. This reading is part of the Her-icane GoDiva Festival of Women’s Art. Continue reading
MA musings
I have promised numerous times since I started writing here post-MA to talk more about my degree. However, the time that has passed since my degree has been odd and quite trying. Upon completion of my MA I had all the best intentions of continuing to work on my show splanchnologies as well as revisiting my dissertation in the hopes of doing more research on liminality and performance and perhaps sending in some article proposals to various magazines. Continue reading
The First Emperor – twice
While I’ve been convalescing I’ve been reading a number of New Music blogs and arts articles. In a very odd way I am more in touch with what is going on in New Music than I’ve been for a number of years because of it. Continue reading
I am the wan one
So much for my plan of posting once a week! I’ve been keeping myself oddly busy with convalescence and cleaning up some admin work I need to get out of the way before I do some real work. Continue reading
The Dietician
First, an update on the state of things. I am mending … slowly … but I am mending! I am on a low-residue diet and am slowly adding foods to it. Continue reading
from airplane to bed to couch to hospital
I got out of a week’s stay at the hospital last Thursday. I have colitis in 60% of my colon, likely caused by the bacterial gut infection I picked up in the UK. If you’ve been keeping up with my very few posts, you’ll know I was still having “residual inflammation” from the infection and kept going back to the doctor but they wouldn’t give me anything for it. By the time it got bad enough that they wanted to send me to a specialist we were coming back here (and it was BAD by that point). Continue reading
back to Canada
Less than one week until we leave the UK! We’ve been packing up our place, selling off a bunch of stuff and having rather busy social lives in preparation to leave. Continue reading
MA work DONE!
I have finished my MA Project!!! splanchnologies went very well and I had an amazing team of people to help me with the work. Thank you thank you thank you to Verity, Olly, Tam, and especially Yula and Andy who performed in “tongues in 7.” Especially especially Andy who chauffeured me, gave great comments, and generally supported me through the whole thing. Continue reading
The Autumn Update
It has once again been a few months between updates. I’ve been very busy. Here’s a bit of a breakdown of what I’ve been up to: Continue reading