I recently returned from an amazing 10-day workshop with Richard Armstrong in Banff. The International Voice Workshops have been running at the Banff Centre for many many years. The last time I attended was in 2001, then worked privately with Richard in NYC in 2002, then he & I kept missing each other through my travels.
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Category Archives: music
60×60 Canadian Concert Mix
My piece “interchange” has been chosen as one of the pieces on the 60×60 Canadian Concert Mix this year. Below is a list of composers and upcoming performances. Continue reading
60×60 Radio Request Extravaganza 2008
Please request my entry for this year’s 60×60 project today!
title of piece: interchange
composer: Lia Pas (that’s pronounced “pass” as in “pass the salt please!”)
Tonight It’s Poetry: Issue #7, and other news
I’m the featured poet this Sunday at the 7th “Tonight it’s Poetry” reading.
June 1, 2008 – 8pm
Flint Bar – 259 2nd Ave South, Saskatoon
60×60 Midwest Minutes with video online
I just got an email from Rob Voisey of Vox Novus about recent updates to the 60×60 site. The most exciting part is an integrated grid of video pieces by Zlatko Cosic mixed especially for the 60×60 Midwest Minutes. My piece between is #40 in the grid. You can work your way through the videos by clicking on them or follow this link to the video for my piece.
Specialization in Performance – Why?
In my recovery I’ve been reading a lot: online and books. I am trying to keep up with my “professional” reading as well as some reading for enjoyment. However, being a multidisicplinary artist my professional reading includes reading about music, writing, theatre, movement, and performance art. That makes for a lot of reading.
An issue that keeps coming up with much of this reading is the idea of specialization. Being a multidisciplinary artist I have mixed feelings about specialization in a creative practice. Continue reading
60×60 Midwest Minutes Performances
My acousmatic piece between has been chosen as part of the 2007 60×60 Midwest Minutes. There are two performances next week. If you’re anywhere nearby, please have a listen! Continue reading
I am the proud owner of a Yamaha DGX 620
I have finally bought myself a keyboard! It is, as the title says, a Yamaha DGX 620 and it is a lovely thing. A picture and specs can be found here. Though it is considerably heavier than my last keyboard I am willing to put up with the excess weight for the touch-sensitive weighted keys and built-in 350+ sounds. Continue reading
Request my 60×60 piece on June 26!
My acousmatic music & text 60-second piece, “between” is available for request on Tuesday, June 26th, through Afternoon New Music on WKCR 89.9 radio in Manhattan, NY or on the web. Info on the show and how to request (via phone OR email) is below. Continue reading
Pantheatre pictures
A couple of weeks ago I received a package from Istanbul. It took me a minute to recall who might be sending me a package from such an exotic place and then I remembered the wonderfully intense Nick Hobbs from Pantheatre. The package contained a CD of photos from the two Pantheatre workshops I attended in 2006. Continue reading