I am the proud owner of a Yamaha DGX 620

I have finally bought myself a keyboard! It is, as the title says, a Yamaha DGX 620 and it is a lovely thing. A picture and specs can be found here. Though it is considerably heavier than my last keyboard I am willing to put up with the excess weight for the touch-sensitive weighted keys and built-in 350+ sounds.

Jarrod is enjoying the keyboard immensely as well, especially the lessons that are built into it. He’s currently trying to learn the right hand of Für Elise and is quite into it. I’ve been giving him some lessons too as we decided that would be more cost-effective than getting him lessons elsewhere. However, we hope to be able to afford jazz guitar lessons for him sooner rather than later, as that is what he’d really like to do. He’s also playing flute in the school band but is going to ask to switch to percussion next year.

I bought myself some Turina as well as some Philip Glass pieces. I know I have some Andriessen & Rzewski scores somewhere as well as some of my own keyboard work, but they’re in boxes still. Yes, we are still going through the boxes.

Health & Home update: We have decided to stay in Saskatoon at least until Summer 2009 so Jarrod can finish up to Grade 8 in one school and so I can fully recover. I’m still quite fatigued as my Ferritin is still low. I have been able to do a bit of exercise but have to watch that I don’t overdo it otherwise my iron levels drop. Because of this I am not currently doing any performance work or yoga and voice teaching. I may look for some private students in the fall but don’t yet have the energy to do regular classes or workshops. I’m instead spending my time writing music & texts. Most of the music so far has been acousmatic but I’ll likely work on some instrumental or vocal work in the fall.