Mysterium Winter Solstice Concert

Mysterium Choir presents:
An ambient solstice experience 

featuring music by Lia Pas, Angie Tysseland, Meredith Monk, Bobby McFerrin, and others.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010. 8pm
Grace-Westminster Church. 505-10th Street East. Saskatoon.

Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors. Available at McNally Robinson or at the door.

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a shift for fall

I realized this spring that in my excitement of my return to health I had taken on too much. I was overworked and burnt out. I had no time for friends, no time for our house, no time for my own creative work. I mapped out what I had been doing and knew that something needed to be dropped: Yoga teaching.

I’ve been teaching yoga for most of the past 13 years, initially starting my teacher training because it was something I felt passionate about doing, and there was something about oboe teaching that was dragging me down. I’ve loved the yoga teaching, but it is physically and sometimes emotionally intense work. I knew I had reached yoga teacher burnout when my own practice became more about class planning than svadyaya (self-study).
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weeks 5 & 6: colony, colony, colony

Last week was gloriously full. I got a lot of work done, but also had a lot of fun. susurrations sat for a few days, the Regina 60×60 event was fun and I met some great people, and the MidWinter SWG Salon was a great success and created more fans of Klingon Opera. Spent a lot of time with the fabulous Tracy Hamon. I didn’t get enough sleep, but I’m catching up.

It feels like things are flowing as they should at the moment and opportunities for collaborations and projects are coming up. These goal-setting posts are helping me to keep focussed on my work and what is important at the moment as opposed to becoming overwhelmed by what is in my calendar.
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Regina 60×60 concert – Jan 29, 2009

60x60 Regina

60x60 Regina

Thursday, January 29, 2009
the 60×60 project—Canadian Concert mix—is being presented at Bushwakker’s Brew Pub (2206 Dewdney Avenue) in Regina.
My piece interchange is part of the mix

To make the prairie performance of the mix a bit different from the other performances, the pieces will be diffused throughout the space.
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Tonight it’s Poetry – Issue #23

I’m the featured reader at the first Tonight it’s Poetry of 2009.

Sunday, January 4, 2009
8:00pm – 10:45pm
259 Second Avenue South
Saskatoon, SK

emerging readers are:

Cy Gerard
Gabriel Mansuy
Tara Stadnyk
and Lisa Johnson

and will feature local multidisciplinary artist/poet Lia Pas.

I’ll be reading from my 3 books, Husk, what is this place we have come to, and vicissitudes, singing a bit, and sharing parts of my film-in-progress, “susurrations”.

The facebook event can be found here.