Mysterium Choir. a live ambient solstice event.

mysterium 2010 summer posterMonday, 21 June 2010
7:30 pm
Mayfair United Church (902-33rd Street West)

$15 adults, $10 students/seniors
available at McNally Robinson or at the door

Mysterium is a choir of fourteen singers whose mandate is to present meditative and innovative vocal works. This concert will feature new works by Lia Pas and Angie Tysseland, experimental pieces by Meredith Monk and Pauline Oliveros, selections from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana (featuring soloist Dave Hiebert) and older sacred music including Sanskrit chant as well as Gregorian chant by11th century mystic Hildegard of Bingen.

The second half of the program will allow members of the audience to walk a Chatres-style labyrinth while Mysterium chants 108 Oms.

Please join us for this ambient experience. Be surrounded by sound. Begin to truly listen.

director: Lia Pas
assistant director: Kim de la Forest
founding director (on leave): Angie Tysseland

for more information email

full programme:
Echo by Lia Pas
Om Shanti
selections from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff (soloist: Dave Hiebert)
Astavakra Gita by Lia Pas (world premiere)
Change by Meredith Monk
O Viridissima Virga by Hildegard Von Bingen
Ear Piece by Pauline Oliveros
108 Oms with Labyrinth Walk
Be Still by Angie Tysseland (Saskatchewan premiere)