My piece for vocal trio—tongues in 7—is being performed on Wednesday, May 12 at the Sounds New Festival by the wonderfully energetic and eclectic juice vocal ensemble.
2010 60×60 Canada Mix
I once again have a piece in the 60×60 Canada Mix. cavea.
The 600 composer mix of 60×60 will be presented at the FoFA Gallery in Montreal with dance and video on May 30th 2010, as part of Congress 2010.
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Voicing Classes at Free Flow Dance Centre
Voicing classes are designed to help you enhance the range, depth, power and resonance of your voice. Using games, exercises, text, movement, improvisation, and song, these classes are recommended for everyone interested in singing, acting, public speaking, or just being comfortable with your voice and how you use it. Lia’s voice teaching is based on her performance and composition work as well as her experiences studying Roy Hart Voice Work, a technique which connects the body, the voice, and the psyche in a healthy and holistic manner. These classes are geared towards adults at all levels of voice experience, from beginners to professional singers, actors, and speakers.
Thursdays, 5:15-6:15pm
September 17-November 12, 2009
Free Flow Dance Centre (224 – 25th Street West – at Avenue C – Saskatoon, SK)
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“she opened” on Sask. Craft Council Website.
The Saskatchewan Craft Council was kind enough to let me perform on their fire escape during Back Alley Antics III in June and have put up photos of my performance.
Here’s the link.
what I’ve been up to since May
It’s been a very full spring and summer. I’m in the process of cleaning up from all the collaborations and performances I was involved with. Here’s a synopsis of what I’ve been doing. Continue reading
week 20: and repeat
I am repeating last week’s goals because they are working and I am still working on them.
Goals for the Week: 19-25 May, 2009
1. Days 34-40 of 40-day Sadhana
2. Remain organized
3. Remain calm while working through all that is on my plate.
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week 19: overwhelm
How is it possible that I become so busy that all I can do is keep up with my yoga practice and what I have coming up within the week? I am frustrated by this.
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“U” – Klingon Opera spot on NPR
Last November I was invited to the Watermill Centre on Long Island in New York to work on “U”—a Klingon Opera—with the Klingon Terran Research Ensemble. NPR did a spot on the KTRE workshop and streaming audio of the interview can be found here.
week 18: ease of well-being
I would say that last week was quite successful in terms of achieving my goals.
Goals for the Week: 28 April-4 May, 2009
1. Days 13-19 of 40-day Sadhana
Done. Every day. Even while in Regina for a gig. Definitely feeling the effects!
2. Spring Bling Salon prep & cleanup
Done. Lovely evening. Good comments on my work.
3. CC grant application
Done. Did not feel rushed even though it was a bit last-minute. Will find out results in late August.
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weeks 15-17: searching for sattva
The past three weeks have been pretty full: a radio interview, two readings, hiring a new administrator for JackPine, hiring an admin assistant for myself, rehearsing and devising for two projects. I found myself just trying to keep up with what I had on my plate, neglecting sleep, diet, yoga, etc. And surprise surprise, the small digestive discomfort I was having turned into a colitis flare up.
This, of course, prompted some questioning of how I’ve been doing things. In a rather intense session with my counsellor, I came to the realization that I know enough about yoga to really work on balancing my life and most importantly, to work on regaining full health. I’ve started a 40-day Sadhana with the goal of clearing this flareup and working towards balance and health in my day-to-day life.
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