Voicing Workshop: Resonance

This Voicing Workshop is designed to help you enhance the range, depth, power and resonance of your voice. Using games, exercises, text, movement, improvisation, and song, this workshop is recommended for everyone interested in singing, acting, public speaking, or just being comfortable with your voice and how you use it.

Saturday, 3 November 2012
Free Flow Dance Centre (Saskatoon)

Registration information can be found on my Voicing Workshops page

Anchoress – performances in North Battleford

photo by Lia Pas - Barcelona Cathedral 2012My one-act play Anchoress is being produced by the Battlefords Community Players this October.

Set in the middle ages, Anchoress is the story of a young woman whose spiritual visions lead her to make the decision to be walled into the side of a church as an anchorite. She is visited by pilgrims and members of the community; some who revere her, others who disagree with her choice.
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Reading at McNally Robinson – 30 April 2012

I am a guest reader at the launch of Melanie Schnell’s novel While The Sun Is Above Us

Monday, April 30, 7:30 pm, Travel Alcove
McNally Robinson Booksellers (3130 8 Street East, Saskatoon, SK)

Melanie will be reading with guest readers Lia Pas and Bernice Friesen

It is too difficult to release this war from our blood, when it long ago shaped who we are, how we live, how we move, how we breathe. Blood has filled this earth up; it has made God angry. We must be forgiven or nothing will change.

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manuscript, voicing, breathing

Since September 2011 I have mostly hermited myself away in order to work on a manuscript of poetry, text/image pieces, performance scores, and biofictions – all around the theme of anatomy as image. I’m happy to say that I am very close to having a manuscript ready to send out to publishers. The project itself is a huge one. Fred Wah pointed out to me last February that it is likely a life work. It seems silly to keep the work squandered away until the entire thing is done so I’m putting what I have into some semblance of order to send out over the next month. One piece—percuss—has been published in Ars Medica (Vol. 8, No. 1. Fall 2011), and another few pieces are forthcoming in Dandelion.

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Voicing Classes – Fall 2011

Please note that starting January 2012 all Voicing Classes information can be found here.

Voicing classes are designed to help you enhance the range, depth, power and resonance of your voice. Using games, exercises, text, movement, improvisation, and song, these classes are recommended for everyone interested in singing, acting, public speaking, or just being comfortable with your voice and how you use it. Lia’s voice teaching is based on her performance and composition work as well as her experiences studying Roy Hart Voice Work, a technique which connects the body, the voice, and the psyche in a healthy and holistic manner. These classes are geared towards adults at all levels of voice experience, from beginners to professional singers, actors, and speakers.

Wednesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm

INTERMEDIATE CLASS (for those who have previously studied with Lia)
Wednesdays, 8:45-9:45pm

10-week session:
Sept 21 – Nov 30, 2011
(no classes Oct 12)

Free Flow Dance Centre (224 – 25th Street West – at Avenue C – in Saskatoon)
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Uncanny Machine – A Collaborative Show

Uncanny Machine a collaborative effort between Jackie Latendresse of Free Flow Dance and Multidisciplinary Artist Lia Pas will be featured as a part of the first ever She Bam! Festival of women’s arts in Saskatoon.
The show is on Friday June 10th at 7:50pm at the Refinery Theatre.
Join us on a topsy turvy trip through the mysteries of the human body as we discuss and discover through dance, spoken word, music and film what is at the heart of it all!

Free Flow Dance Theatre will feature:
Nerve – by Jackie Latendresse
A tender and Violent Duet – By Jackie Latendresse, Kelly Van Damme and featuring new music by Lia Pas
Triptych – Danny Grossman

Lia Pas will feature:
Susurrations – Film with Live Vocals
Portal Vein – Keyboard and Voice

Tickets are $20 Regular, $15 Students and are festival passes for the entire evening of performances by all of the artists. 3 different performances per night. Free Flow beings at 8:15pm so don’t be late!

Mysterium Spring Concert

Mysterium Choir presents:
An ambient spring experience

featuring music by Lia Pas, Angie Tysseland, Meredith Monk, Hildegard Von Bingen, and others.
With special guests: Free Flow Dance Theatre
Wednesday, April 6, 2011. 8pm
Grace-Westminster Church. 505-10th Street East. Saskatoon.

Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors. Available at McNally Robinson or at the door.

Mysterium is a choir of fourteen singers whose mandate is to present meditative and innovative vocal works in an immersive environment.

This spring concert will feature works by local composer/performers Lia Pas and Angie Tysseland, including “a small piece of sky” written by Lia Pas for the choreography of Jackie Latendresse, artistic director of Free Flow Dance Theatre. The concert also includes two experimental pieces by American vocal maverick Meredith Monk, “O Ecclesia” by 15th Century abbess Hildegard of Bingen, as well as ambient group vocal improvisations and solos by Lia Pas and Dave Hiebert.

Please join us for this ambient experience. Be surrounded by sound. Begin to truly listen.

director: Lia Pas
assistant director: Kim de Laforest

founded in 2009 by Angie Tysseland

for more information email mysterium.choir@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook.


Karmic release chant – Traditional
all soul’s night – Loreena McKennit – Solo by Kim de Laforest
O Ecclesia – Hildegard of Bingen
Astronaut Anthem – Meredith Monk
Angel on the Roof – Angie Tysseland
Di Provenza il mar, il suol from La Traviata – Giuseppe Verdi – Solo by Dave Hiebert
sound cycles – Pauline Oliveros
a small piece of sky – music by Lia Pas, choreography by Jackie Latendresse


Witches in the Backyard – Angie Tysseland – Duet by Lia Pas & Kim de Laforest
Panda Chant – Meredith Monk
Ostinato – Spontaneous composition by Lia Pas
Postojna – Herman Rechberger
The Crucifixion – Samuel Barber – Solo by Lia Pas
Karmic release chant – Traditional

Mysterium Winter Solstice Concert

Mysterium Choir presents:
An ambient solstice experience 

featuring music by Lia Pas, Angie Tysseland, Meredith Monk, Bobby McFerrin, and others.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010. 8pm
Grace-Westminster Church. 505-10th Street East. Saskatoon.

Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors. Available at McNally Robinson or at the door.

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a shift for fall

I realized this spring that in my excitement of my return to health I had taken on too much. I was overworked and burnt out. I had no time for friends, no time for our house, no time for my own creative work. I mapped out what I had been doing and knew that something needed to be dropped: Yoga teaching.

I’ve been teaching yoga for most of the past 13 years, initially starting my teacher training because it was something I felt passionate about doing, and there was something about oboe teaching that was dragging me down. I’ve loved the yoga teaching, but it is physically and sometimes emotionally intense work. I knew I had reached yoga teacher burnout when my own practice became more about class planning than svadyaya (self-study).
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