Mysterium Choir presents:
An ambient spring experience

featuring music by Lia Pas, Angie Tysseland, Meredith Monk, Hildegard Von Bingen, and others.
With special guests: Free Flow Dance Theatre
Wednesday, April 6, 2011. 8pm
Grace-Westminster Church. 505-10th Street East. Saskatoon.
Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 students/seniors. Available at McNally Robinson or at the door.
Mysterium is a choir of fourteen singers whose mandate is to present meditative and innovative vocal works in an immersive environment.
This spring concert will feature works by local composer/performers Lia Pas and Angie Tysseland, including “a small piece of sky” written by Lia Pas for the choreography of Jackie Latendresse, artistic director of Free Flow Dance Theatre. The concert also includes two experimental pieces by American vocal maverick Meredith Monk, “O Ecclesia” by 15th Century abbess Hildegard of Bingen, as well as ambient group vocal improvisations and solos by Lia Pas and Dave Hiebert.
Please join us for this ambient experience. Be surrounded by sound. Begin to truly listen.
director: Lia Pas
assistant director: Kim de Laforest
founded in 2009 by Angie Tysseland
for more information email or visit us on Facebook.
Karmic release chant – Traditional
all soul’s night – Loreena McKennit – Solo by Kim de Laforest
O Ecclesia – Hildegard of Bingen
Astronaut Anthem – Meredith Monk
Angel on the Roof – Angie Tysseland
Di Provenza il mar, il suol from La Traviata – Giuseppe Verdi – Solo by Dave Hiebert
sound cycles – Pauline Oliveros
a small piece of sky – music by Lia Pas, choreography by Jackie Latendresse
Witches in the Backyard – Angie Tysseland – Duet by Lia Pas & Kim de Laforest
Panda Chant – Meredith Monk
Ostinato – Spontaneous composition by Lia Pas
Postojna – Herman Rechberger
The Crucifixion – Samuel Barber – Solo by Lia Pas
Karmic release chant – Traditional