We’ve been busy packing & preparing to leave (14 more days!!!), so I’ve been even worse at posting than I was to begin with! I am very ready to be done with this job, and it is showing in strange little ways.
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I’ve been readin’ up a storm
Well, that last rant seemed to quiet down the comments a little on my blog. Ah well, I needed to get it out of my system :). You’ll all be happy to know that they turned the air conditioners on on Thursday morning after our vice principal spent an hour in the downstairs office. Continue reading
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes – Thoreau
I had warned you all before that one of the reasons I hadn’t started a blog sooner was because I didn’t think you all wanted to hear me ranting. Well, today you get a rant.
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Amaterasu – the webzine
Last year, in a fit of needing to keep myself sane at work, I volunteered to be editor of the JET Women’s SIG magazine, Amaterasu. Continue reading
Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day to my Dad and all the other dad’s out there! As usual, I’m behind in sending out gifts. I usually (but not always) have them purchased by the date in question, but most times don’t send them off until after the date. This father’s day is no exception.
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Virtual Häagen Dazs Japanese Classic Parfait
As promised, another ice cream adventure, The Virtual Häagen Dazs Japanese Classic Parfait! This has become my favourite ice cream here. Pricey, but well worth it, and I know I’m not going to be able to find it in Canada or Britain because it’s just too durn Japanese. Tea and beans in ice cream? O yes!
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Friday in Kokura
I have the promised “Virtual Häagen Dazs Japanese Classic Parfait” post written but need the technical expertise of the household alpha geek to show me how to post photos with it. So today you just get words.
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Ack! I’ve been tagged!
My friend James M (the writer, not to be confused with my friend James W, the artist) has tagged me! I’m it! The promised “Virtual Häagen Dazs Japanese Classic Parfait” will just have to wait.
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7-11 – ice cream as a cultural experience
My grrl friends out there know that I love ice cream. I’m pretty positive I inherited this trait from my mother, who has the same weakness. My favourite ice cream back in Canada was Haagen Dasz Triple Brownie Overload: chocolate ice cream with shards of dark chocolate, bitter roasted almond pieces, and chewy brownie bits. mmmmmm.
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Currently Reading and Listening to…
Too many things at once! I used to make it a rule to only read one book at a time but with my current lifestyle I’m finding that that is just not working anymore.
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