Ack! I’ve been tagged!

My friend James M (the writer, not to be confused with my friend James W, the artist) has tagged me! I’m it! The promised “Virtual Häagen Dazs Japanese Classic Parfait” will just have to wait.

Number of Books I Own:
Many. Many many many. In Japan I probably have at least 50, but that’s only because I just got rid of a bunch in the ongoing book swap between ALTs (Assistant Language Teachers) and sent a bunch back to Canada with my sisters last week. In Canada in my parent’s basement there are boxes and boxes and boxes of books. I would estimate that there are at least 800 books in those boxes, and this is after I purged my shelves and put them into storage before moving to Japan!

Last Book I Bought:
I’ve been trying to avoid buying books because we’re moving in just over a month, and then moving again two months after that. I did, however, do an amazon japan order a while back to buy some textbooks for my MA program:

Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer Edited by Eugenio Barba & Nicola Savarese. Amazing book about Oriental and Occidental theatre practices and how they can influence each other.
Acting (Re)Considered Edited by Philip Zarrilli. I just started reading this one this week and am really enjoying it, especially the section on semiotics in the introduction. Ya, pretty heavy stuff, but giving me good ideas for my Gray’s Tala project.
Art into Theatre: Performance Interviews and Documents by Nick Kaye. I haven’t started reading this one yet! One heavy theatre theory book at a time, people!

Last Book I Read:
Just finished my second reading of Life of Pi by Yann Martel. wow. I forgot just how much I loved the algae island scene. wow. I want to know as soon as his next book comes out!

Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me:
only five?

Dune by Frank Herbert. Actually, the whole series. Great writing, an incredibly intricate plot, philosophy, religion, mysticism, and those Bene Gesserit. Gotta love the Bene Gesserit.

The Martyrology by bp nichol. (seems much of it is online now!)

Gray’s Anatomy by Henry Gray. Because it is a major reference for the piece I’m planning on working on!

The Griffin & Sabine Trilogy by Nick Bantock. There’s a good reason my son’s middle name is Griffin!

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Obviously!

Who’s Next?

Ed – though I’m not convinced he’ll follow through. (Yes, that is a challenge!)
Katie – because I don’t think she’s written about books on her blog yet!
Jarrod – because he inherited my love for books!
Jodi – because she reads voraciously.