Upcoming Anthology Publication: In Corpore Sano

I have reached a point in my recovery from ME/CFS that means I am able to write again! ME/CFS is a neuro-immune disease and some of the symptoms include brain fog and cognitive fatigue. When I first got ill in 2015 I was unable to read or write for any length of time because it would utterly exhaust me. I’m very happy to say that I can now read and write with relative ease again.

Most of my writing these days is in the form of journaling, but earlier this year I submitted some of my embroidery work to an anthology about “challenged bodies” and creative work. As part of the In Corpore Sano anthology I was asked to write about my experience of being a creative person living with a debilitating illness and wrote a fairly long essay about that as well as the autobiographical and therapeutic nature of my embroidery work.  Continue reading

GUSH anthology launch in Saskatoon!

There will be a Saskatoon launch of GUSH: menstrual manifestos for our times (edited by Tanis MacDonald, Rosanna Deerchild, and Ariel Gordon with me as one of the contributors) at McNally Robinson on July 17, 2018, at 7pm.

This Saskatoon launch for the Frontenac House multi-genre anthology of writing about menstruation by more than 100 menstruators and former menstruators will feature readings by five of the contributors: Erica Violet Lee, Jeanette Lynes, Yvette Nolan, Brenda Schmidt, and co-editor Tanis MacDonald. All are welcome to attend! This is one of several launch events for the #bloodygreat anthology that are happening across Canada this year.

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Posted in lit

Fihi ma Fihi dance opera in Calgary

This dance opera is a project I was still hard at work on when I became ill in August 2015. I’m pleased to say that La Caravan Dance Theatre continued the process despite me needing to attend to my health.

If you or anyone you know is in Calgary, please pass this information on to them.

A lovely article in the Calgary Herald.

Kindred spirits Lewandowsky met the production’s composer, Lia Pas, in a workshop at the Banff Centre. The two discovered that they both were fans of Rumi’s work. Pas composed the music to fit the poetry. “It’s not Middle Eastern, it’s not a Far-East kind of sound,” says Lewandowsky. Instead, it’s contemporary, blending the classical with electronic music. “(Lia) can breach between the two worlds unbelievably.”

Another great article on GetDown.ca:

Lia Pas has taken 13 poems by Rumi and created a musical composition and libretto. The company then “experimented in the studio with the lyrics,” Lewandowsky explains. “We saw what sounds would come and we performed different exercises.” The company improvised as well as they worked through the poetry and created a narrative around the poetry. Some poetry was expressed purely through movement and some through singing and musical composition.


Fihi Ma Fihi - poster2


















La Caravan Dance Theatre Presents World Premiere of Fihi Ma Fihi (It Is What It Is)

New artistic work draws inspiration from 13th century Sufi mystic and philosopher Rumi

Calgary AB – La Caravan Dance Theatre presents the world premiere of Fihi Ma Fihi (It Is What It Is) at Theatre Junction Grand, June 8-11, 2016. Tickets range from $40 – $75 and can be purchased at lacaravan.com.

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Ritornello Festival 2015 and other projects

I’m excited to announce that my composition a small piece of sky will be performed at the Ritornello Chamber Music Festival in Saskatoon on 30 May 2015.


The festival runs from 29-31 May at three different venues. Carissa Kolopoushak and Jaqueline Woods have been producing this festival for seven years and always have an exciting lineup featuring a number of local musicians as well as musicians who have grown up in Saskatchewan and studied and worked around the world.
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ossa . ora – Premiere at the Cathedral Village Arts Festival

On Thursday, 22 May 2014, I will be performing my new interdisciplinary piece ossa . ora at the Cathedral Village Arts Festival’s GET LIT CABARET in Regina.

ossa ora fractals

ossa . ora is an imagistic interdisciplinary piece that begins with finding a child’s baby teeth in a jar and goes on to explore through object collage, haiku, text animations, and song what perceptions are evoked by this discovery.
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Last Saturday night (24 November 2012), I performed at the launch of Transforium.

Transforium is a collaborative bookwork by Mari-Lou Rowley and Tammy Lu and was published in an edition of 50 copies by JackPine Press. Mari-Lou asked me to help with the reading and performance and I was honoured to do so.

Here is a link to the video of the performance, and Mari-Lou’s essay about the process of creating the book is here.