Opera Mariposa Benefit 2024

I’m excited to announce that I’m a featured artist in Opera Mariposa’s 2024 Benefit + Awareness Month! 🦋 I’m honoured to share both art and music to support the ME | FM Society of BC and raise awareness for those affected by ME/CFS, Long Covid, and Fibromyalgia. Join me for this all-online charity extravaganza at Benefit.OperaMariposa.com from May 1 – June 1, 2024. There’s music, art, over $3,500 in prizes and more – and it’s all for a great cause!

Violet, blue and teal graphic featuring a side profile of a young Asian woman with her hand upheld, a purple butterfly hovering above it. The background features translucent torn strips of paper twined with blue watercolour flowers. Gauzy purple and blue text reads, Opera Mariposa 2024, May 1 - June 1. Benefit + Awareness Month for the ME | FM Society of BC. Smaller dark blue lettering features the URL Benefit.OperaMariposa.com above a globe icon next to the words All online; a spoon icon next to the words self-paced; a closed captioning icon next to the word English; and a dollar icon next to the words By donation and free.
Collage by Christina Baltais. Design by Stephanie Ko

I’m involved in the benefit in a few ways. Read on for how my music and embroidery are being featured!

Charity Prize Draw

First, there’s a prize featuring a set of postcards of my embroidery work, a copy of Sharp Notions (I have an essay, some embroideries, and am the cover artist for the anthology), and an embroidery kit. Head directly to PrizeDraw.OperaMariposa.com to enter the charity prize draw for a chance to win this or some of the other fabulous prizes.

Against a vibrant blue background is a flatlay of 18 art postcards featuring the intricate embroidery creations of Lia Pas, next to DIY embroidery kit and a pink book called 'Sharp Notions: Essays from the Stitching Life' featuring a detail of Lia's embroidery on the cover

I’m also a featured artist with both my art and my music! Below are a few key dates.

A violet, blue and teal graphic of translucent torn strips of paper. Blue and purple text reads, Save the Date, calendar emoji: May 1 Launch day: 2024 B+A Month. May 9 Premiere: The Hum (Mariposa Mix). May 12 International ME & FM Awareness Day. May 12 Premiere: Opera Treats. May 19 Blue Sunday: the tea party for M.E. May 31 Premiere: Piano Improvisation. June 1: Final day of the prize draw. At the bottom next to a tiny purple butterfly is the URL Benefit.OperaMariposa.com
Dates of online ME Awareness month events happening at the benefit.

Premiere: The Hum – Mariposa Mix

Thursday, May 9 @ 12:30 pm Pacific Time

Enjoy an exclusive mix of The Hum! Once known for my work as a composer and librettist, The Hum marks the first piece of music I have completed since developing ME/CFS in 2015. The piece was inspired by my experiences with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacusis (debilitating sound sensitivity).

Premiere: Piano improvisation

Friday, May 31, 2024 @ 12:30 pm Pacific Time

Join me for a beautiful piano improvisation to honour the close of 2024 Benefit + Awareness Month. We’re thrilled to bring this new contemplative piece to our audiences.

Art Showcase

My embroidery, she breathed is featured on Opera Mariposa’s artist showcase this year, with some new writing about how it relates to my ME/CFS symptoms.

Be sure to click around Opera Mariposa’s benefit site to see the other artists and prizes being featured too!