I just looked at my last post and realized 2 things:
1 – I have not (and may not) uploaded those other days I wrote about
2 – it seems like a long long time ago when I posted last even though it’s not THAT long ago
I’ve been really really busy with trying to get my head around how to do all the things I want to do here with regards to my degree and just generally taking advantage of the amazing place that Dartington is. I’ve been filling myself up with all sorts of interesting knowledge and experiences but it got to the point last week where I realized that I was too full and that it was time to integrate. I spent a couple of days trying to sort out all the ideas floating around in my head and feel a bit more centered now. A bit….
I’ve been doing a lot of reading on Butoh and stillness, and am going to workshop an improv-based voice/movement piece at our theatre lab tonight. It looks like my project may be a devised new opera, but don’t hold me to that!! I got a list of authors to look up from one of my profs yesterday with regards to ideas about stillness, metaphysics in the body, and writing about Eastern philosophy in an academic arts context. VERY exciting!!
On the home front – Jarrod is thriving at school. He got a chapter book from the school library (“How to Train Dragons” I think) and has been reading it on his own! I’m really happy that he’s started to do that. He’s always loved books (how could he not with all the books around the house!?!) and it’s great to see him be self-motivated about reading at his grade level. Now, if he would sleep instead of reading that would be good. He’s been staying up way too late with this book!! heh. I did the same things at his age though! He still goes off on Japanese tangents at home, and there is a girl in his class who speaks Japanese, though he says he’s not spoken Japanese with her yet.
Ed seems to be doing fairly well – I think he feels a bit like a househusband at times – and he’s watching way too much TV. The problem is that BBC has excellent programming. He’s been talking about working on some art, and that is the first step.
The flea problem seems to be mostly solved. There are still a few around so we’re going to call the pest control people again. Ed’s bites are taking forever to heal up though!
k – that’s all for now. I need to do some homework!