Last week was one of those weeks where it was all about putting out fires. My car did not get repaired until late Thursday afternoon. My son got the flu. And there were other requests, needs, and sundry other things to deal with that kept popping up. I did manage to spend 1-2 hours per day on creative work, though I felt guilty about it. I’m finding that quite interesting, if not somewhat disturbing, so have decided to keep this goal in place because it does not feel like a habit yet. I would like the daily creative work to get to the point of it being a habit, and not feel at all guilty about it. I also did not get susurrations burnt to DVD because I had no car. And though I did get a start on my grant report for the film, I did not manage to get it anywhere near finished.
So this week, a repeat:
Goals of the Week – 2 to 8 March 2009
1. To spend 1-2 hours daily on creative work
2. To burn susurrations to DVD
3. To complete all susurrations admin towards my grant reportLong-Term Goals
– to get susurrations out into the world (perhaps this is more short-term than long-term!)
– to create a New Music Ensemble in Saskatoon
– to create a sense of place/space for my life & workOngoing Projects
– susurrations
– splanchnologies
– music with free flow dance
– anatomy ms.
– voice/movement/dance improv-based piece with Jaime Williams
– poems for paintings by James Wyper
– other collaborations in the works: HR web devising, extended voice recording