The past three weeks have been pretty full: a radio interview, two readings, hiring a new administrator for JackPine, hiring an admin assistant for myself, rehearsing and devising for two projects. I found myself just trying to keep up with what I had on my plate, neglecting sleep, diet, yoga, etc. And surprise surprise, the small digestive discomfort I was having turned into a colitis flare up.
This, of course, prompted some questioning of how I’ve been doing things. In a rather intense session with my counsellor, I came to the realization that I know enough about yoga to really work on balancing my life and most importantly, to work on regaining full health. I’ve started a 40-day Sadhana with the goal of clearing this flareup and working towards balance and health in my day-to-day life.
I am on day 13 of the 40 days. I’m doing Mr. Iyengar’s series for colitis from “Light on Yoga” which takes 45 minutes with short holds (5-10 breaths per pose) and an hour and a half with full holds (10-50 breaths). My digestive health is returning, my energy is returning, and I’ve been able to step back and look at how I’m doing things and realize that some things can wait while my physical and mental health are of utmost importance.
Obviously, blogging is one thing that I felt could wait. I was allowing my personal journalling to fall by the wayside as well, but realized that is as important as the yoga practice. I’m renewing my commitment to these goal-setting blog posts, but without pressuring myself to do them.
Looking back at the last goals from week 14:
1. Find movement artists for HR project
Did this, and had one session that went very well. Still in progress with this.
2. Complete poems for Mantra project
Managed to do 5 of the 8 poems. Still excited about the project, but realized just how much I need clarity of mind to write.
3. Daily music practice towards April salon
Did not managed to do this daily. Had some throat soreness along with the flareup. That has dissipated as well and found my whistle tones have returned with my practice as well! The Spring Bling Salon is tomorrow night and I feel ready!
4. Stick to my routines & time limits as far as work is concerned
These are shifting since adding the Sadhana. I’m on track with it though.
Goals for the Week: 28 April-4 May, 2009
1. Days 13-19 of 40-day Sadhana
2. Spring Bling Salon prep & cleanup
3. CC grant applicationOngoing Projects
– Mantra poems
– anatomy manuscript
– HR web project
– JackPine collective
– “colloquy” with Jaime Williams
– creating a peaceful environment to live/work in
– susurrations dissemination
– music for Free Flow DanceLong-Term Goals
– New Music ensemble
– clarity of career goals
– splanchnologies clarity