Say that 10 times fast! This is a surprising and timely trip for me. But I’ll start at the beginning ….
One of my tutors emailed me information about a Voice Festival on Tuesday of this week. Today is Thursday – I’ve signed up for a 3-day workshop, have booked train tickets with my “young persons railcard” (amazing what they’ll give you when you’re a mature student!) and have booked a room at a very Welsh-sounding B&B. I leave Tuesday. I come back Saturday. Then on the Monday we’re off to Canada for a visit! Its a bit insane, but its all good.
You see, one of the things I felt was missing from my studies here was vocal work. We get lots of bodywork. I have been involved in a Vocal Production module for 2nd years and that was beginning to fill the hole, but there are particular ways of working that need to be done with others of similar levels. I’ve been missing that.
The workshop I’ll be attending will be led by Enrique Pardo of Pantheatre. He is a Roy Hart teacher, and funnily enough, I had looked into his intensive training in France when I was first looking at doing some post-Japan creative studies. Well, I’ll have 3 glorious days of making strange sounds and moving around. I am VERY much looking forward to it. He is dealing with myth in theatre so it also fits into my dissertation topic (ritual in music theatre).
All I need to do is to choose and memorize a text, try to figure out where everything it in our place (lots of it is still in boxes) and pack. YAY!
Other events that have happened recently:
– I performed a 10 minute piece, “instauration”, last week at a MA work-in-progress showing and had some interesting questions about it.
– The Vocal Production module performed a very quickly devised version of Gertrude Steins’ “Four Saints in Three Acts” yesterday to good commentators.
– I’ve been asked to sing in a performance of Louis Andreissen’s “Da Staat” and to read a text in Philp Glass’ “Knee Play 5” from “Einstein on the Beach”.
Ya… I will start research for my dissertation … soon! I have a great book, “Buddhism as/in Performance” by David E.R. George that I’m planning on getting into on the 6.5 hour train ride to Aberystwyth.